Sunday, June 20


I feel like buying a lot of things.

I wanna buy
eye gel,
present for Han,

But I am not going to get a smartphone that soon. Others I think I will have to get them in this 2 weeks.

Talking about the word 'shopaholic' reminds me of my party day! I can't carry all those presents by myself, and both my hands are full with paper bags that carry those presents! As if I bought a lot of things for myself! The feeling is just great! LOL

Its time to save money for the shopping list listed above. But first and foremost, visit the dentist and get my gingival problem fix. T^T

Saturday, June 19


I felt so lazy

Don't want to face those assignments
but I have to

Don't want to understand those theories
but I got no choice

Don't want my holiday to end so early
but I can't do anything

I feel so lazy, so tired
When can I leave all this behind and give myself a break?
a real break.

I want my 3 months holiday back from UTAR!!
Why they go and cancel our 'welfare' *sigh, again*


Sunday, June 13


I went 1U last Thursday. With Teck Fui. haha

We wanted to go San Francisco to have our dinner, but we can't find it in 1U. ="= sien-nya. So we went Pasta Zanmai instead. He wanted to go Itallianies, but I feel like eating soft-shell crab le. Yummy ♡

O, and I bought my purse. Yay =)

Err, nothing much actually. Except Teck Fui cut his finger. LOL. Dangling skin! HAHA XD

Monday, June 7


I woke up bathing in sweats this morning. The weather is horrible, it's killing people. ="=

Well, everyday for us to cross the road have different stories, some of them are funny, some of them are unbelievable, and today is frightening.

This was what happened today:

We were about to cross the road, there are cars lining up. One of the aunty also stopped there, but she kept quite some distance from the car in front of her. So we all thought that she is not going to move forward until later, so as we were passing in front of the aunty's car, she suddenly accelerate and her car moves!

We were stoned as we were right in front of her car! And as soon as she found out that we were there, she stopped. If she find out 2 seconds later, Jamie's feet will be right under her tyre, her car is going to hit my leg, and Evelyn is going to hit by her car as well.

We just couldn't believe! It was so dangerous ="=

Evelyn said the aunty was looking at her feet when she accelerate. ="= Yes, it's weird.

Anyway, everything is fine. No one is hurt. =)

Sunday, June 6

Year 2 Semester 2

It's a new semester again. Sigh, I feel restless la.

We have a kind of weird timetable this time. My class start on 2pm, every Friday. That means, I am free in the morning! And of course Thursday night! Ask me out!! =D

Well, we have 5 subjects this semester. Yun said those subjects sounded yeng. Sigh, but those assignments are definitely heavier than last semester. The subjects that we took this semester are:
1. International Advertising,
2. Advertising Copy writing,
3. Multimedia Design and Application,
4. Communication Technology,
5. Television Production I.

So, this semester we have to shot PSA (Public Service Announcement) and short film. The topic for PSA is 1 Malaysia. LOL. Discussion is going to start next week.

These are only assignments for TV Production I. There are more for the other subjects. Thats why la I feel restless.

But no matter what, I will do my best in this semester. Because my CGPA dropped. ="= I can hardly accept the fact that my CGPA dropped! But there is nothing I can do except study harder and do it better.

God, please help me in every way, guide me, and walk beside me. Bless my family with good health, take care of them wherever they go. Amen.

Saturday, June 5

Travel =)

I went China during last semester break. =)It was fun, but tiring at the same time. I really wanna stay there la. Love the environment there, fresh air and cool breeze!

I kind of love antique stuff since I was young, so I get to see them with my own eyes this time! I can't help but keep taking photos.

Although we learnt China history during high school, but it‘s more interesting if you see those historical stuff, building, etc, with your own eyes. For example, the Westlake 西湖 in Hangzhou. There are a lot of poem that describe the beauty of Westlake. And I get to feel how those poet feel when they are writing the poem! 欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。=)

The old town in China is exactly what we saw on the TV! So beautiful, and they have all sorts of stories.

I know this is kind of short la, but this is my 1st time describing China in English. LOL. So, will write more next time. *wink*








