Saturday, June 5

Travel =)

I went China during last semester break. =)It was fun, but tiring at the same time. I really wanna stay there la. Love the environment there, fresh air and cool breeze!

I kind of love antique stuff since I was young, so I get to see them with my own eyes this time! I can't help but keep taking photos.

Although we learnt China history during high school, but it‘s more interesting if you see those historical stuff, building, etc, with your own eyes. For example, the Westlake 西湖 in Hangzhou. There are a lot of poem that describe the beauty of Westlake. And I get to feel how those poet feel when they are writing the poem! 欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。=)

The old town in China is exactly what we saw on the TV! So beautiful, and they have all sorts of stories.

I know this is kind of short la, but this is my 1st time describing China in English. LOL. So, will write more next time. *wink*

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