Sunday, June 6

Year 2 Semester 2

It's a new semester again. Sigh, I feel restless la.

We have a kind of weird timetable this time. My class start on 2pm, every Friday. That means, I am free in the morning! And of course Thursday night! Ask me out!! =D

Well, we have 5 subjects this semester. Yun said those subjects sounded yeng. Sigh, but those assignments are definitely heavier than last semester. The subjects that we took this semester are:
1. International Advertising,
2. Advertising Copy writing,
3. Multimedia Design and Application,
4. Communication Technology,
5. Television Production I.

So, this semester we have to shot PSA (Public Service Announcement) and short film. The topic for PSA is 1 Malaysia. LOL. Discussion is going to start next week.

These are only assignments for TV Production I. There are more for the other subjects. Thats why la I feel restless.

But no matter what, I will do my best in this semester. Because my CGPA dropped. ="= I can hardly accept the fact that my CGPA dropped! But there is nothing I can do except study harder and do it better.

God, please help me in every way, guide me, and walk beside me. Bless my family with good health, take care of them wherever they go. Amen.

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